Recently I have been cutting sugar out of my diet. Walk into any local gas station and try and find a Beverage that does not contain sugar. The only options remaining are coffee, tea and water. The amounts of caffeine in coffee tend to make me highly agitated and paying for a bottle of water not something I am prepared to stomach. This leaves unsweetened tea as my only viable option.
A bottle of my favorite Gold Peak Unsweetened Ice Tea is about $1.79 per bottle for the 12 ounce. I have been known to drink two or three a day even though it makes my urine smell strange. At that rate I could spend anywhere from $25 and $40 per week. Utter insanity.
Instead of continuing to waste good money on such decadence I came up with a simple solution. I drove over to the thrift store and spent $0.50 on a used water pitcher. Then I bought some tea bags from the Dollar store for $1.06 with tax. That night I boiled up a gallon of water and threw in the tea to steep. I let it cool and then pored it in the pitcher which I stored in the Fridge. Total cost $1.56.
Now everyday before I leave the house I fill up my bottle with delicious tea. Now I get all the sugar I need in the form of sweet, sweet savings. Nothing tastes quite like it.